
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inflation: A Spectre to be slayed?

Inflation: A Spectre to be slayed? -ST reports today ??

This is the headlines in today's (8.2.11),ST page A6, prime news...How can inflation keeps on surging upwards ?

As the government unveiled the last half of 2009's increase across the board...the statistics are already behind time ?!

Based on the tables supplied by ST...transport is a whooping 10.1%...Housing is hovering at 3.8 %. It was based on the CPI from July to Dec 2009....

Last year we saw even worst escalating of housing. In fact it went up to a high of 17% increase. And the government intervened too late, too insensitive. The damage had been done.

On the same page ST highlighted the Foo family of four..I quote: "The Foos family of four , are fretting about the rising costs on various fronts." - unquote. "Their two children aged 27 and 31, who want to get married, are daunted by the high cost of new flats>>" So, Mr Mabok HDB still AFFORDABLE in your limited brain cells?

Mdm Halimah..the mouthpiece of PAP and trying to help by upping the income ceiling for financial aid eligibility from $1800 to $2500 for childcare family.

And the supposedly greatest sacrifice of the authority is its "pre-emptive strikes", to deter INFLATION... The annual public transport fare review exercise would be deferred this year....WOW! magnanimous !! The question we beg to ask is...Why when the transport companies are making millions every year still keep on increasing fare??....

Guess I will answer for them. "We are building a first class system of transport for you all..with the circle line we need to increase fares to get back what we put in"....NOTHING IS FOR FREE PLEASE !!? ..

And after the 18th February's Budget speech, be prepared to pay back everything and MORE! We ARE PAP, YOU ... PREPARE TO PAY !...not only PAY and PAY!...

patrick lee song juan

Goh Meng Seng Nspcontestampines likes this.
Patrick Lee Song Juan The sweetener is coming after 18th February...but be prepared for the 'PAP squeeze' subsequently without mercy !!
19 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2 people Russell Teo and Goh Meng Seng Nspcontestampines like this.
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