
Monday, January 9, 2012


Emptiness is only an illusion and delusion of our own mind. When we detached ourselves slowly into the reality of life and death, we will understand that there is no clinging to the impossible.

It is only a human emotional inclination. The degree of sadness all depends on one's disposition of thought. Life is death , Death is life.

In fact , at a right old age of 95 with no major sickness is a bliss to be in the kingdom of heaven..dancing with the angels..We are all blessed to send our mother on her eternal journey with no suffering and pain..Hence we do not cling on to life impermanence !

patrick lee song juan


  1. Form is no different to emptiness,
    emptiness no different to form.
    That which is form is emptiness,
    that which is emptiness, form.
    Sensations, perceptions, impressions, and consciousness are also like this.

    - - -

    All things and phenomena are marked by emptiness;
    they are neither appearing nor disappearing,
    neither impure nor pure,
    neither increasing nor decreasing.

  2. This is from one of Bhikkhu's daily dhamma.
    sounds so familiar !

    Living should be a formless' existence.
    Emptiness encapsulates beyond form. Emptiness is hollow and hollow is emptiness..with dhamma in a searching mind!

    So , the human mind can never can never be in an emptiness state..When one says to you...I know how empty you feel...Literary he means you are totally lost in your mind's
