
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Is the Darken Road ending with a Cul-de-Sac ?

"A darken road has no bearing." To beat 'adieu' is a total lost even before one gets started. To stay and fight on with too many
uncertainties is like shooting a six-shooter at a Russian tank!

Nevertheless PAP is a 'wear and tear' Russian t...ank now with fatigue metal parts to be 'explored' at the right moment!!

JBJ was a classic example of a one-man crusade against the Russian tank and initially vanquished the PAP at Anson and made the first MP of the opposition. The rest was History until JBJ became a victim to be annihilated with all sort of lawsuits one after the other till he was spent and bankrupted. He lost his MP seat. He died a fighter.

May not be able to say much about RP party with son KJ at the helm now. We shall see the unfolding of a Shakespearean "Macbeth"

Subsequent years of 'political extermination' of good and strong individual opposition candidates saw a decline of the will of people and PAP has never looked back.

This coming election will be the 'grandmother' of all elections. My prediction is PAP will lose at least two GRCs and another 3 SMC (excluding PP and Hougang).

An awakening is in great exigency. We as citizens of S'pore are to brave for that change or we shall be forever under the totalitarian rule of the capitalist elites of a minority over the oppressed majority.

We 'fight' and cast our right VOTE for a quality of life for all in EQUALITY.

Let us exercise our WISDOM of choice NOW !!!

patrick lee song juan


  1. I hold similar view about the opposition winning 2 GRCs but I am hopeful a 3rd one will add to the icing of the cake.

    I would not want to risk saying the ground is sweet for the oppo, I would rather think the ruling party has lost touch of the ground. Unlike in the past, there is no longer that kind of connection with many people.


  2. Agreed no less..'Anonymous' will be a day of reckoning to see some head-on progress in the penetration into a domain of 'solid' foundation of steel..

    As long as the opposition stays nonchalant and bickering for individual power..S'pore's political culture will never be much different in another 10 or 20 years...

    God bless the later generation...I will be in Nibbana bliss to see any transformation! History will be set to the perpetual rule of PAP...Heaven forbids!!
